All Flex uses a solvent-less technology (so that no solvent retention at all in the laminates) to laminate a cast polyamide film together with a polyethylene sealing layer film. The Polyethylene layer works as a sealant and it has generally weld properties. However, we can offer other properties such as barriered (with Evoh layer), antifog, very low seal temperatures, peelable to itself, peelable to uncoated Tyvek®, peel (fibre low) to medical paper grades and other in accordance with customer need.

SafeHCP for you.

Siamo attenti al tuo quotidiano: entriamo nel tuo “momento” proteggendolo e senza mai sconvolgerlo.

Intelligente, preserva la tua salute e le tue abitudini.

Protezione mai banale, sempre oltre gli standard.

Adattabilità, materiali flessibili che si adattano alle tue esigenze.

Resistenza, capace di resistere nel tempo.

Credit: by photo tara winstead


Made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE), Tyvek® offers all the best characteristics of paper, film and fabric in one material. vapor-permeable, yet water- and chemical resistant; as well as puncture-, tear- and abrasion-resistant.


All Flex uses a solvent-less technology (so that no solvent retention at all in the laminates) to laminate a bioriented polyamide film together with a polypropylene sealing layer film. The Polypropylene layer works as a sealant and it has generally weld properties. However we can offer other properties such as barriered (with Evoh layer), antifog, very low seal temperatures, peelable to itself, peelable to uncoated Tyvek® and other in accordance with customer need. We can also offer a printed laminated because we have in house the technology to reverse print on film up to 8 colors.

SafeHCP for your business.
Aiutiamo i tuoi prodotti ad essere venduti in sicurezza.

Check-up preliminare degli attuali materiali di imballaggio in uso.

Soluzioni alternative più economiche, scalabili e sostenibili.

Informazione, trasparente verso lo user finale.

Immagine, consapevolezza e utilità per una protezione di valore.

Allflex Design Hub.

Ascolta. Crea. Applica
We are MAKER

Progettare un design capace di proteggere e comunicare un prodotto. Ecco cosa sappiamo fare…

Il packaging è solo il risultato di un costante lavoro di progettazione, attenzione e creazione: progettare un design capace di proteggere e comunicare un prodotto, razionalizzando dei costi, ottimizzando gli scarti di materie prime e sposando (appieno) il concetto di utilità come unica risposta alle necessità del cliente (sempre più esigente e sempre più attore principale di un mercato in continua evoluzione);

una sapiente (quanto intelligente) combinazione di film e carte laccate che permettono ai nostri clienti di risparmiare sull’acquisto e, nel contempo, di ridurre gli scarti grazie ad una mirata stratificazione dei materiali da noi offerti.

In questi casi diventa fondamentale l’ascolto attivo del nostro cliente: comprendere le sue reali necessità significa avere la fiducia e la libertà di “osare” per lo sviluppo di nuove soluzioni di packaging. Dal progetto al prodotto finito: pensiamo e facciamo HCP.

Credit: photo by pavel danilyuk


All Flex uses a solvent-less technology (so that no solvent retention at all in the laminates) to laminate a bioriented polyester film together with a polyethylene sealing layer film. The Polyethylene layer works as a sealant and it has generally weld properties. However we can offer other properties such as barriered (with Evoh layer), antifog, very low seal temperatures, peelable to itself, peelable to uncoated Tyvek® and other in accordance with customer need. We can also offer a printed laminated because we have in house the technology to reverse print on film up to 8 colors.


Used as top for package for medical and surgical devices on automatic packaging machines; ideal for breathability of packaging. All Flex can also offer a printed paper because we have in house the technology to surface print on medical paper grades up to 8 colors.


All Flex uses a solvent-less technology (so that no solvent retention at all in the laminates) to laminate a cast polyamide film together with a polypropylene sealing layer film. The Polypropylene layer works as a sealant and it has generally weld properties. However we can offer other properties such as barriered (with Evoh layer), antifog, very low seal temperatures, peelable to itself, peelable to uncoated Tyvek®, “shatterless” (fibre low) to medical paper grades and other in accordance with customer need.

Credit: photo by Karolina grabowska


All Flex uses a solvent-less technology (so that no solvent retention at all in the laminates) to laminate a bioriented polyamide film together with a polyethylene sealing layer film. The Polyethylene layer works as a sealant and it has generally weld properties. However we can offer other properties such as barriered (with Evoh layer), antifog, very low seal temperatures, peelable to itself, peelable to uncoated Tyvek® and other in accordance with customer need. We can also offer a printed laminated because we have in house the technology to reverse print on film up to 8 colors.

Credit: photo by Karolina grabowska

Credit: photo by ksenia chernaya


All Flex uses a solvent-less technology (so that no solvent retention at all in the laminates) to laminate a cast polyamide film together with a polyethylene sealing layer film. The Polyethylene layer works as a sealant and it has generally weld properties. However we can offer other properties such as barriered (with Evoh layer), antifog, very low seal temperatures, peelable to itself, peelable to uncoated Tyvek®, peel (fibre low) to medical paper grades and other in accordance with customer need.

Qualità certificata.

Oltre gli STANDARD

…per superare noi stessi. Una qualità apprezzata e certificata.

Crediamo fermamente:

– nella qualità delle materie prime impiegate, che sono di alta qualità;

– nel controllo costante del processo produttivo;

– nei testing di produzione (in linea con i livelli di accettazione richiesti).

Investiamo molte delle nostre risorse in strumenti all’avanguardia per il controllo delle materie prime: ogni lotto ricevuto non può essere immesso all’interno del ciclo produttivo se prima non ha superato tutta una serie di rigorosi controlli qualità interni (grazie anche ad un sofisticato e moderno sistema di ERP).


CERTIFICATO ISO 9001 : 2015    [Leggi]
Politica e cultura di qualità    [Leggi]

Packaging medicale e farmaceutico. 

SAFE HCP: la nostra vocazione oltre gli standard.

Che si tratti di stampa di film, carta, Tyvek o produzione di laminati per pellicole e pellicole per applicazioni flowrap, termoformabili, barriera o buste, guardiamo al nostro imballaggio con questa consapevolezza: creando un involucro e proteggendone il contenuto, stiamo facendo qualcosa di “straordinario”.


All Flex uses a solvent-less technology (so that no solvent retention at all in the laminates) to laminate a cast polyamide film in sandwich between two polypropylene layer films. The inner Polypropylene layer works as a sealant and it has generally weld properties. However we can offer other properties such as barriered (with Evoh layer), antifog, very low seal temperatures, peelable to itself, peelable to uncoated Tyvek and other in accordance with customer need.


All Flex uses a solvent-less technology (so that no solvent retention at all in the laminates) to laminate a bioriented polyester film together with a polyethylene sealing layer film. The Polyethylene layer works as a sealant and it has generally weld properties. However we can offer other properties such as barriered (with Evoh layer), antifog, very low seal temperatures, peelable to itself, peelable to uncoated Tyvek® and other in accordance with customer need. We can also offer a printed laminated because we have in house the technology to reverse print on film up to 8 colors.

Credit: photo by Karolina grabowska


All Flex uses a solvent-less technology (so that no solvent retention at all in the laminates) to laminate a bioriented polyester film together with a polypropylene sealing layer film. The Polypropylene layer works as a sealant and it has generally weld properties. However we can offer other properties such as barriered (with Evoh layer), antifog, very low seal temperatures, peelable to itself, peelable to uncoated Tyvek®, shatterless (peelable) to uncoated medical paper grades. Other properties in accordance with customer need. We can also offer a printed laminated because we have in house the technology to reverse print on film up to 8 colors.

Presidio territoriale.

Ad oggi, contiamo due sedi commerciali (UK e USA) e due stabilimenti produttivi: uno a Carpi (in Italia, ad appena un’ora a nord di Bologna) e l’altro nella vicina Repubblica di San Marino.

Queste due strutture sono equipaggiate identicamente, si supportano reciprocamente garantendo il massimo rispetto degli standard qualitativi (e di sicurezza) dei nostri prodotti.

Credit: photo by Karolina grabowska

Insieme. Presenti.

All Flex S.p.a.
(Repubblica di San Marino)

Via Fabrizio da Montebello, 67

47893 Acquaviva


All Flex S.r.l.

Via Degli Scariolanti, 10

41012 Carpi (MO)


All Flex UK Ltd.
(United Kingdom)

6 Burden Park, Clevedon,

North Somerset, BS21 7GB


All Flex USA Corp.

1200 Brickell Avenue 840#6

Miami, FL


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